
Here are what you can expect from us during the course of the project.

Hereunder are the deliverables expected during the course of the proposed project.

Project Proposal.

This contains the important details of the project. This includes the objectives, constraints, internal and external stakeholders, in-scope and out-of-scope activities, risks, budget, and schedule.

Technical Documentation.

It is a documentation of project description, project methodology, system architecture and design, business process flow, system requirements, use cases, verification and testing details, and reference documents.

Design Documentation.

This includes wireframes, User Interface design, and style guides.

Software Testing.

There will be scheduled software tests for debugging, evaluation and further improvement.


This is the launching of the system’s first stable version.

Final Documentation and User Manual.

This is the final version of the software documentation that includes the FAQs, the project details, requirements and specifications, user guide, illustrations of each module, reports on testing and previous versions, and other important information concerning the project.

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This is a project made for Information Systems and Technology by Group 1 Section Courage PPSA Class 2024. All Rights Reserved